So before the commercial break, we were looking into how Chip's older sister is a extraordinarily messy drunk. Well here's what you've missed since then! After I got her all tucked in with buck bed-side, I went home to find my father wondering why I was home. I explained the situation and went to bed. And who's number should appear on my phone at 5 am?! My lovely sister! She decided to go see a friend, so she walked her drunken self across the state line to Bellows Falls Vermont. (She lives legit, a 40 second walk to the border for those of you who were wondering.) She walk walking home and proceeded to tell me how much she loves me and how good I smelled and how she misses me already...typical Ashley. Ha ha.

So once upon a time, there was a handsome prince named Steven. One day he met an equally handsome...ha ha...prince named Chip. For most of the summer months, they were very much in love; spending as much time together as possible. Unfortunately, as we learned from Grease when we were small children, summer love must end eventually. Chip returned to his kingdom of Iowa while prince Steven ventured to a new and excited land in Boston Mass. As much as they tried to stay in touch and remain dedicated to one another, their relationship soon fizzled to a smoldering ash. Now, deep down, they both still feel the same and who was to know until once Christmas vacation when Chip would return to the kingdom of New Hampshire only to find prince Steven home at the same time...
So he calls me and how surprised was I to see his number come up on my cell?! So Steven and I met up at his parents place, who were equally excited to see me. We shared out college and life experiences over a glass of wine until his parents retired to be and we put in a film. It was like we had never separated. With his head resting in my lap, and his smile imprinted on his face for hours, we watched the film and snuggled. For those of you who think you know what is coming next, how dare you!!! Prince Steven is way to classy for that!!! With a few goodnight kisses, I went home. The third installment should be on shelves everywhere sometime in the next five years!

So, thanks to mother nature, my family's Christmas was cancelled until the day before I was to fly home. She can be such a you-know-what sometimes. She sent a Nor-Easter to New England which caused all of my cousins and my sister to be stranded. Consider this, New Hampshire is soo spread out with hills and rivers that it takes 40 minutes to go anywhere. Interestingly enough, people seem to think this about Iowa all the time, WRONG-O!!! I will say, however, my grandmother finally understands me. Last year, someone told her I like hats and she bought me a winter hat and scarf combo from the Olympics..."...umm...thanks gram....i love it?" This year, she bought me a wonderful bottle of cologne by Patrick McDreamy Dempsey. So knows me!! She also bought me the latest CD from Glee. I was so surprised.
For those of you who don't know what Boston Gardens is, it
is where Chip watched Disney on Ice as a child! |
So let's skip ahead to the most interesting part of the next chapter. I checked in at Logan International in Boston only to find that AirTran hates me. They made my trip much harder than it should have been. Because my second flight was with a different airline, they informed me "Oh, you have to claim your luggage in Milwaukee and then re-check in with your next airline." WTF AirTran!!! Luckily Frontier is a wonderful airline that takes care of this little ones like me who's fathers book their flights without researching these things. So it all worked out because my guardian angle, who I for Frontier, knew all about this type of situation and made life sooo much easier! And a few hours later, I was home in the kingdom of Iowa.
*pick up that remote and hit fast forward...we are skipping ahead again....keep pace people!!*
I went back to work and it was like id never left. I don't mean to sound cocky but to look of utter relief by the overnight supervisor when I walked through the door on New Years Eve was enough to let me know I was missed. Unfortunately New Years Eve was a terribly slow night so I didn't do so well in the tips department, it was still good to be back to work. Not having worked for two weeks was so strange. A few more shits at the Ames, Iowa Perkins and you have caught yourself up with what you've missed in Chip's life. Stay tuned next week for a hard hitting interview with Christiane Amanpour and a look at Nicholas Spark's new book!