Ok, so it's 1:23pm and I am not in Florida, but I felt like yelling! I am sitting in my financial planning class and learning how to calculate all sorts of fun things i will never use again. But the main purpose of this short blog is to inform the world of my Travel and Tourism professors amazing knowledge. So we are sitting in class learning about.....well I don't know what we were learning about because I forgot already. Anyway, she was talking about Niagara Falls....which for the record is located in Canada...and our professor informs the class that it is located in.....wait for it.....wait for it......bam! BRAZIL!!!! Excuse me, but when did one of the worlds natural wonders moved eight thousand miles to the south? I'm just a little confused and need some clarification on this process. How would one go about moving a waterfall? I mean, that is a hell of a lot of water to reroute to South has this not made international headlines? Where was CSNBC and CSpan with this amazing transaction? What...did some stealthy waterfall specialist ninjas come to northern New York and air lift it out of there in a dark of night? Impressive stealthy ninjas! I applaud you!
Ok so that may have been a little over dramatic, but I just wanted to convey the severity of what my education is providing me with. I am paying a lot of money to go to an excellent school, and yet I am being told the Niagara Falls is located in Brazil. My tuition dollars are certainly hard at work to provide me with the best possible education! Thanks ISU!
I could hear you saying every word of this. It made me laugh. :)