Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tag! You're it!!!

Well you all know about when I was dropped in the Manta ray tank at Sea World when I was just a little kid. So we will skip right past that embarrassing moment.When I was about 6 years old in first grade, I was playing on the playground at recess. Keep in mind during this story, the this was in 1994 when play structures were still make of wood. I was about 8 feet up and sat on the ledge where the slide-down pole was. I went to grab the pole and my shorts caught a lose nail on the ledge. Well I went down the pole, but my shorts didn't! I was half way down when I realized what had happened.
But oh wait! It gets better!! I was still half attached to my there is a little Chip...hanging three feet off the ground by his half stripped off shorts. The recess monitor helped me out and i was walked the two blocks home by the school secretary. When i came back to school the next day I was taunted by my friends for having Scooby Doo underpants. It wasn't my most shining moment. Ha ha.
So now you know the real truth...I admit it...I WORE SCOOBY DOO UNDERPANTS! I suppose it was only a matter of time before the world found out my secret!

Let's hear it everyone, whats your most embarrassing moment?!

I tag Catherine Brunner and Bryant Michael Stanley


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