As the Spaceship Earth Turns!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Disney 30 Day Challenge: Day - 14
How appropriate! Today is February 14, 2011! This is blog number 14! Today is Valentines Day. And today's blog is all about love! Love is...taking a dive and then getting really comfortable and peeing in he pool! Love is, a really porn...minus all the stuff that makes porn cool! Love is a homeless man, searching for treasure in the middle of the rain and finding a bag of gold coins then slowly finding out they're all filled with chocolate, and even though he's heart broken he can't complain 'cuz he was hungry in the first place!
No by fo realz. My favorite Disney kiss you ask? That is a toughy! Just for the sake of things, I am going to go ahead and say when Tiana kisses Prince Navine in frog form. Right before she turns into a frog herself. She is standing there looking all hot in her blue dress right after Lottie books it back to Laurence dressed as Prince Navine. She meets this, green icky frog and he explains the situation. And she looks at him, and in her most ghetto way, says. "Just.....one kiss?!" And then she freaks out. She then finally just puckers up and lays one on him. That is the way most college students are. "well....i don't really want to kiss you but I'm too drunk and i have nobody else to make out with so....fine. Why not? Let's just get it over with. LOL" Anyway. I am trying to keep it light on this one. Have a magical day everyone!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011
Disney 30 Day Challenge: Day - 13

Disney 30 Day Challenge: Day - 12
So, I am a little behind. I was actually supposed to do this blog yesterday, but since I just got home from work...I work overnights at Perkins Restaurant and Bakery...it is technically all the same day since I haven't been to bed yet. Anyway, today's blog is all about my favorite villain song. We have already talked about Ursula the Sea-witch....so in turn, my favorite villain song is Poor Unfortunate Souls! I mean, who wouldn't love a song that is all about convincing a young and impressionable teenage girl that she needs to change her appearance in order to get a boy to like her. But no! It doesn't stop there! She goes on to tell her that men don't like women who speak their minds. Basically, women are better to be seen and not heard...way to take us back to the 17th century Ursula. I wonder how old you are anyway. Maybe, just maybe, she was alive back when those types of manners were the norm. She is a huge...emphasis on the HUGE...octopus. She may be some prehistoric creature of the deep for all we know! Anyhow, yay Pat Carroll for making Ursula one of the creepiest yet amazing villains of all time. Just don't forget girls, when you want a man to notice you, use your body to get his attention...because its all about the BODY LANGUAGE....HA!!!!! Alright campers, tomorrow at day camp, we will learn how to make bird feeders out of a gallon jug, and we will be making random shit out of popcicle sticks! Yay!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Disney 30 Day Challenge: Day - 11
So this has nothing to do with my Disney Challenge, BUT I have been on Rugrats kick ever since I came home from work two weeks ago and saw that they play old Rugrats episodes on Nick super early in the morning at like 5 am! So I did a little YouTube digging and found a clip from the 3 part episode when the Rugrats go to Vegas! The clip from when Angelica sings in the finale of the episode! "Vacation! all I ever wanted. Vacation! Have to get away! Vacation! Wish it would never end....oh yeah!!!" Oh man I miss the old times!
Anyway, back to the show. This week on As the Spaceship Earth Turns we will be discussing the positive and negative ramifications of prayer in school...HA HA HA just joshin'. My favorite Disney love song. Without a doubt, when Meg is singing with her five Muse back up singers, I Won't Say I'm in Love! I absolutely love that song. However, upset she seems at the beginning of the song by saying she is never going to say it because she has had her heart broken before...which I understand. Testify honey! But by the end of the song, she realizes she really is in love with Herc and decides, she just won't say it out loud. She will swoon and pine and gaze lovingly at him from afar and in the privacy of her mind, but what is important, is that she knows it! She is in love with him and everyone who watches the film knows it too! Yay love!So there isn't really a rant or tangent this week...but don't you fret everyone! They are still around. I just can't think of anything ridiculous to say about this song, or this film at the moment! Have a Magical Day everyone!!!!
P.S...... seriously Disney? Get it together!

P.S...... seriously Disney? Get it together!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Disney 30 Day Challenge: Day - 10
So here we are. 10 days into my 30 day challenge and I am not losing my mind as much as i was at first. This does help a lot. Although a lot of my D-fam have been accepted and there are still a few of us still waiting. However, most of the people who have been accepted are all advantage students, so I am not worrying too much right now. Anyway, the show must go on...so!!! Onward and upward!
Song. The best song in most Disney films is right at the beginning of the film. for example, in Beauty and the Beast, the intro song Belle, is by far the best song in the entire film. Well, at least in my opinion. It also brings about my favorite character from the film! He doesn't even have a name. The shop keeper from the bookshop. He is just so rockin' awesome! Anyway, back to the topic at hand. My favorite song...Belle. That is also where we meet Gaston. Even though he is a horrible person who dies in the film...well we see him get thrown off the top of a cliff-side castle. For all we know, he could have been saved by some Disney magic or landed in a lake and swam to safety! But yeah, we meet some important characters in the intro song, and it has minimal French. I freakin' love French!! By the way, what is Belle's last name? I mean, I know it's France back in the day...but still. What the heck? Wow, my tangents are getting more frequent! Hope you are all enjoying my 30 day journey to hopefully being accepted! (knock on wood) Have a Magical Day!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Disney 30 Day Challenge: Day - 9
Remember the good ole' days? Back when things weren't complicated? Back when there were only a few amazing Disney characters on the map. I know it's cliche, but When it comes to deciding my favorite original Disney character, I have to go with Mickey Mouse! He is just the bee's knees. Right?!?! He had a great house, a nice pet, and he didnt even have a job most of the time. I wish I could just hang out with friends and still have a great life with an awesome house! By the way, what is it about Pluto that causes him not to be able to speak? I mean, they are all animals but for whatever reason, Pluto is the only one that is an actual pet and can't speak. WTFML!!!!!!! Soo confusing!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Disney 30 Day Challenge - Day 8

P.S. You should totally come visit France. Bonjour!!
P.P.S. I'm not really in France! Just kidding!!!!!!!!+
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