The black panther is an amazing animal. Sleek, meticulously groomed, smart....well....sometimes I'm smart, other times I'm just lucky. He always does the right thing even when it is inconvenient. I mean, Bagira could have left that baby in the bushes and gone back to sleep, he could have kept the man cub in the jungle, he could have even just let King Louis keep the man cub. And...panthers are sexy! Just saying!!! Black is slimming, I would love to wear black every day and have a nice sheen to my outfits! Also, being a panther does offer a sort of protection. It allows you a level of respect but not enough where you could become corrupt with power. And that, Edwards Elementary 3rd grade class, is why the panther is my favorite animal.
Now, be sure to bring your favorite toy next week for show and tell! Last week, Johnny brought his pet snake! It was soooooo cooooool! Until it swallowed Walter, the class' pet mouse. Now we have a pet bunny. His name is Scooter! K thanks bye!
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