So this has nothing to do with my Disney Challenge, BUT I have been on Rugrats kick ever since I came home from work two weeks ago and saw that they play old Rugrats episodes on Nick super early in the morning at like 5 am! So I did a little YouTube digging and found a clip from the 3 part episode when the Rugrats go to Vegas! The clip from when Angelica sings in the finale of the episode! "Vacation! all I ever wanted. Vacation! Have to get away! Vacation! Wish it would never end....oh yeah!!!" Oh man I miss the old times!

Anyway, back to the show. This week on As the Spaceship Earth Turns we will be discussing the positive and negative ramifications of prayer in school...HA HA HA just joshin'. My favorite Disney love song. Without a doubt, when Meg is singing with her five Muse back up singers,
I Won't Say I'm in Love! I absolutely love that song. However, upset she seems at the beginning of the song by saying she is never going to say it because she has had her heart broken before...which I understand. Testify honey! But by the end of the song, she realizes she really is in love with Herc and decides, she just won't say it out loud. She will swoon and pine and gaze lovingly at him from afar and in the privacy of her mind, but what is important, is that she knows it! She is in love with him and everyone who watches the film knows it too! Yay love!So there isn't really a rant or tangent this week...but don't you fret everyone! They are still around. I just can't think of anything ridiculous to say about this song, or this film at the moment! Have a Magical Day everyone!!!!
P.S...... seriously Disney? Get it together!
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