Friday, February 4, 2011

Disney 30 Day Challenge: Day - 5

Ok, so i am going to take a non traditional stance on the hero term. Usually, the hero is the main good male character. But I'm taking hero as someone who saves the day! Picture it! France....sometime in the past, a man and his daughter are trapped in their basement by the towns most chauvinistic man's man! They were left for dead...well not really. When all of a sudden....BAM POW WHAP!!!!!  A tiny hand painted tea cup with a tiny chip comes hammering through the cellar bulkhead on what is supposed to be a wood chopping machine! Because of him, the man and daughter were off the stop the bad man from killing her one true love!

So who is my favorite hero? Why, Chip of course!!!! And, we share the same name. So it is twice as cool! If I were a teacup, I would definitely save the day with some random, slightly dangerous, homemade invention! Also, on a side note, what was furnishing the castle before the spell was cast? I mean, if everything in the castle was orignally a person....then do they just not have any furniture in the end of the story? I mean...seriously. The violin playing coat rack, the dog footstool, the freaking stove! And what about that? Are Mrs. Potts and the stove married? I mean, she is a Mrs. Where is Mr. Potts...and she has all those teacups to take care of! I cant imagine she does it on her own. subject! Well that's all for this week, tune in next time for the thrilling day six!!!

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