Monday, February 14, 2011
Disney 30 Day Challenge: Day - 14
How appropriate! Today is February 14, 2011! This is blog number 14! Today is Valentines Day. And today's blog is all about love! Love is...taking a dive and then getting really comfortable and peeing in he pool! Love is, a really porn...minus all the stuff that makes porn cool! Love is a homeless man, searching for treasure in the middle of the rain and finding a bag of gold coins then slowly finding out they're all filled with chocolate, and even though he's heart broken he can't complain 'cuz he was hungry in the first place!
No by fo realz. My favorite Disney kiss you ask? That is a toughy! Just for the sake of things, I am going to go ahead and say when Tiana kisses Prince Navine in frog form. Right before she turns into a frog herself. She is standing there looking all hot in her blue dress right after Lottie books it back to Laurence dressed as Prince Navine. She meets this, green icky frog and he explains the situation. And she looks at him, and in her most ghetto way, says. "Just.....one kiss?!" And then she freaks out. She then finally just puckers up and lays one on him. That is the way most college students are. "well....i don't really want to kiss you but I'm too drunk and i have nobody else to make out with so....fine. Why not? Let's just get it over with. LOL" Anyway. I am trying to keep it light on this one. Have a magical day everyone!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011
Disney 30 Day Challenge: Day - 13

Disney 30 Day Challenge: Day - 12
So, I am a little behind. I was actually supposed to do this blog yesterday, but since I just got home from work...I work overnights at Perkins Restaurant and Bakery...it is technically all the same day since I haven't been to bed yet. Anyway, today's blog is all about my favorite villain song. We have already talked about Ursula the Sea-witch....so in turn, my favorite villain song is Poor Unfortunate Souls! I mean, who wouldn't love a song that is all about convincing a young and impressionable teenage girl that she needs to change her appearance in order to get a boy to like her. But no! It doesn't stop there! She goes on to tell her that men don't like women who speak their minds. Basically, women are better to be seen and not heard...way to take us back to the 17th century Ursula. I wonder how old you are anyway. Maybe, just maybe, she was alive back when those types of manners were the norm. She is a huge...emphasis on the HUGE...octopus. She may be some prehistoric creature of the deep for all we know! Anyhow, yay Pat Carroll for making Ursula one of the creepiest yet amazing villains of all time. Just don't forget girls, when you want a man to notice you, use your body to get his attention...because its all about the BODY LANGUAGE....HA!!!!! Alright campers, tomorrow at day camp, we will learn how to make bird feeders out of a gallon jug, and we will be making random shit out of popcicle sticks! Yay!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Disney 30 Day Challenge: Day - 11
So this has nothing to do with my Disney Challenge, BUT I have been on Rugrats kick ever since I came home from work two weeks ago and saw that they play old Rugrats episodes on Nick super early in the morning at like 5 am! So I did a little YouTube digging and found a clip from the 3 part episode when the Rugrats go to Vegas! The clip from when Angelica sings in the finale of the episode! "Vacation! all I ever wanted. Vacation! Have to get away! Vacation! Wish it would never end....oh yeah!!!" Oh man I miss the old times!
Anyway, back to the show. This week on As the Spaceship Earth Turns we will be discussing the positive and negative ramifications of prayer in school...HA HA HA just joshin'. My favorite Disney love song. Without a doubt, when Meg is singing with her five Muse back up singers, I Won't Say I'm in Love! I absolutely love that song. However, upset she seems at the beginning of the song by saying she is never going to say it because she has had her heart broken before...which I understand. Testify honey! But by the end of the song, she realizes she really is in love with Herc and decides, she just won't say it out loud. She will swoon and pine and gaze lovingly at him from afar and in the privacy of her mind, but what is important, is that she knows it! She is in love with him and everyone who watches the film knows it too! Yay love!So there isn't really a rant or tangent this week...but don't you fret everyone! They are still around. I just can't think of anything ridiculous to say about this song, or this film at the moment! Have a Magical Day everyone!!!!
P.S...... seriously Disney? Get it together!

P.S...... seriously Disney? Get it together!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Disney 30 Day Challenge: Day - 10
So here we are. 10 days into my 30 day challenge and I am not losing my mind as much as i was at first. This does help a lot. Although a lot of my D-fam have been accepted and there are still a few of us still waiting. However, most of the people who have been accepted are all advantage students, so I am not worrying too much right now. Anyway, the show must go on...so!!! Onward and upward!
Song. The best song in most Disney films is right at the beginning of the film. for example, in Beauty and the Beast, the intro song Belle, is by far the best song in the entire film. Well, at least in my opinion. It also brings about my favorite character from the film! He doesn't even have a name. The shop keeper from the bookshop. He is just so rockin' awesome! Anyway, back to the topic at hand. My favorite song...Belle. That is also where we meet Gaston. Even though he is a horrible person who dies in the film...well we see him get thrown off the top of a cliff-side castle. For all we know, he could have been saved by some Disney magic or landed in a lake and swam to safety! But yeah, we meet some important characters in the intro song, and it has minimal French. I freakin' love French!! By the way, what is Belle's last name? I mean, I know it's France back in the day...but still. What the heck? Wow, my tangents are getting more frequent! Hope you are all enjoying my 30 day journey to hopefully being accepted! (knock on wood) Have a Magical Day!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Disney 30 Day Challenge: Day - 9
Remember the good ole' days? Back when things weren't complicated? Back when there were only a few amazing Disney characters on the map. I know it's cliche, but When it comes to deciding my favorite original Disney character, I have to go with Mickey Mouse! He is just the bee's knees. Right?!?! He had a great house, a nice pet, and he didnt even have a job most of the time. I wish I could just hang out with friends and still have a great life with an awesome house! By the way, what is it about Pluto that causes him not to be able to speak? I mean, they are all animals but for whatever reason, Pluto is the only one that is an actual pet and can't speak. WTFML!!!!!!! Soo confusing!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Disney 30 Day Challenge - Day 8

P.S. You should totally come visit France. Bonjour!!
P.P.S. I'm not really in France! Just kidding!!!!!!!!+
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Disney 30 Day Challenge: Day - 7

Saturday, February 5, 2011
Disney 30 Day Challenge: Day - 6
Having the choose one's favorite animal a seriously hard task. A favorite animal sort of defines what you feel your role in the jungle would be. I don't want too much power, I wouldn't like to have a massive amount of responsibility. Mufasa...he is awesome but the king of the Pride Land? No thank you. The evil, power hungry king of the jungle? Shercon has that one covered nicely I think. Aristocratic French cats from the turn of the last century? Not really my style. However, I could see myself laying lazily on a tree branch, only to be awoken by a strange baby's cry.

The black panther is an amazing animal. Sleek, meticulously groomed, smart....well....sometimes I'm smart, other times I'm just lucky. He always does the right thing even when it is inconvenient. I mean, Bagira could have left that baby in the bushes and gone back to sleep, he could have kept the man cub in the jungle, he could have even just let King Louis keep the man cub. And...panthers are sexy! Just saying!!! Black is slimming, I would love to wear black every day and have a nice sheen to my outfits! Also, being a panther does offer a sort of protection. It allows you a level of respect but not enough where you could become corrupt with power. And that, Edwards Elementary 3rd grade class, is why the panther is my favorite animal.
Now, be sure to bring your favorite toy next week for show and tell! Last week, Johnny brought his pet snake! It was soooooo cooooool! Until it swallowed Walter, the class' pet mouse. Now we have a pet bunny. His name is Scooter! K thanks bye!

The black panther is an amazing animal. Sleek, meticulously groomed, smart....well....sometimes I'm smart, other times I'm just lucky. He always does the right thing even when it is inconvenient. I mean, Bagira could have left that baby in the bushes and gone back to sleep, he could have kept the man cub in the jungle, he could have even just let King Louis keep the man cub. And...panthers are sexy! Just saying!!! Black is slimming, I would love to wear black every day and have a nice sheen to my outfits! Also, being a panther does offer a sort of protection. It allows you a level of respect but not enough where you could become corrupt with power. And that, Edwards Elementary 3rd grade class, is why the panther is my favorite animal.
Now, be sure to bring your favorite toy next week for show and tell! Last week, Johnny brought his pet snake! It was soooooo cooooool! Until it swallowed Walter, the class' pet mouse. Now we have a pet bunny. His name is Scooter! K thanks bye!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Disney 30 Day Challenge: Day - 5
Ok, so i am going to take a non traditional stance on the hero term. Usually, the hero is the main good male character. But I'm taking hero as someone who saves the day! Picture it! France....sometime in the past, a man and his daughter are trapped in their basement by the towns most chauvinistic man's man! They were left for dead...well not really. When all of a sudden....BAM POW WHAP!!!!! A tiny hand painted tea cup with a tiny chip comes hammering through the cellar bulkhead on what is supposed to be a wood chopping machine! Because of him, the man and daughter were off the stop the bad man from killing her one true love!
So who is my favorite hero? Why, Chip of course!!!! And, we share the same name. So it is twice as cool! If I were a teacup, I would definitely save the day with some random, slightly dangerous, homemade invention! Also, on a side note, what was furnishing the castle before the spell was cast? I mean, if everything in the castle was orignally a person....then do they just not have any furniture in the end of the story? I mean...seriously. The violin playing coat rack, the dog footstool, the freaking stove! And what about that? Are Mrs. Potts and the stove married? I mean, she is a Mrs. Where is Mr. Potts...and she has all those teacups to take care of! I cant imagine she does it on her own. Anyway..off subject! Well that's all for this week, tune in next time for the thrilling day six!!!
So who is my favorite hero? Why, Chip of course!!!! And, we share the same name. So it is twice as cool! If I were a teacup, I would definitely save the day with some random, slightly dangerous, homemade invention! Also, on a side note, what was furnishing the castle before the spell was cast? I mean, if everything in the castle was orignally a person....then do they just not have any furniture in the end of the story? I mean...seriously. The violin playing coat rack, the dog footstool, the freaking stove! And what about that? Are Mrs. Potts and the stove married? I mean, she is a Mrs. Where is Mr. Potts...and she has all those teacups to take care of! I cant imagine she does it on her own. Anyway..off subject! Well that's all for this week, tune in next time for the thrilling day six!!!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Disney 30 Day Challenge: Day - 4
So....when little girls think about Disney, the think about that moment when they meet their favorite Disney princess. And when little boys think about Disney, they think about getting to ride the awesome rides and being pirates. But ya know what! I wanted to be a Disney prince when I was a little Chip. I wanted to wear rocking fancy attire. I wanted to live in a pre-revolution French castle. I did NOT want to be a furry beast creature though....
So looking back on what Disney prince I wanted to be....I honestly cannot remember! But now that I'm older and enjoy the company of men..lol...I think Prince Phillip would be my favorite! I mean, he has an awesome voice. He is cute. AND!!!! He has magical a magical sword and shield! I want magical fighting weapons! But yeah...even thought he marries the equivalent of Regina George from Mean Girls...I will forgive him if he comes over to my side! His horse is pretty too. White horses rock my socks off!
So looking back on what Disney prince I wanted to be....I honestly cannot remember! But now that I'm older and enjoy the company of men..lol...I think Prince Phillip would be my favorite! I mean, he has an awesome voice. He is cute. AND!!!! He has magical a magical sword and shield! I want magical fighting weapons! But yeah...even thought he marries the equivalent of Regina George from Mean Girls...I will forgive him if he comes over to my side! His horse is pretty too. White horses rock my socks off!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Disney 30 Day Challenge: Day - 3
Heroine. What is a heroine one might ask...well the dictionary on Google defines a heroine as "the main good female character in a work of fiction." Well I have decided not to use that definition for the sake of this blog because the woman I admire isn't good until the end of the film.
Meg, from Disney's Hercules, is by far my favorite Disney heroine. I mean, when we first meet her, she is sassy, independent and a total diva. I think that's why I love her so much. Also, a woman who can have hips like a child's building block and work them like it aint no thang....damn girl! By the way...I want to have a sextet with five stone busts of the Muses....seriously! She seems to go a fine job in the floor length greecian style dress working against the those creepy ass creatures that Haiti sends around. I mean legit? What an ass he is! Look at those teeth, and his hair is always on fire...in a bad way. Sorry boy, those clothes are totally five centuries ago! Ok, lost track of the blog assignment. Oh yeah...Herc is hot! I want to be his girlfriend. Point and case! Thanks for watching...tune in next week (or tomorrow) for some more amazing things to learn about the world!!! (or me)
P.S.- SERIOUSLY....look at that sass! And I want to know what kind of product she uses to keep her bangs so stationary without falling! And where could she find exact matching eye shaddow to her one and only dress in Greece at this point in history...she is one savey lady!

P.S.- SERIOUSLY....look at that sass! And I want to know what kind of product she uses to keep her bangs so stationary without falling! And where could she find exact matching eye shaddow to her one and only dress in Greece at this point in history...she is one savey lady!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
30 Day Disney Challenge! Day - 2!
My favorite Disney princess? Hmmm.. that is a tough one! I mean, there are so many women that would love to stand in this spot light, but I have to narrow it down to only one! When I was a child, Cinderella was my all time favorite Disney movie, I would watch it whenever I could. And surprise, I don't even own it now! However, Cinderella has moved in with her prince and Chip was left to find a new princess to fawn over. I was alone, i was left wanting, until Ariel came along!
*Side note.....all of my blogs have to be written like a soap opera. It's just my style. After all...this is As the Spaceship Earth Turns*
Ariel is a headstrong and independent sixteen year old princess. She also has great style. I mean, if I had a huge head of hair that looked like a blob of ketchup atop my head, I wouldn't know how to work it. Look at her, even under the salty depths of the sea, she looks fantastic! I mean, yes her aunt is this seriously deranged octopod, but she lives in gorgeous undersea palace....and then she ends up in a gorgeous sea-side palace. Who could want for more? So, Ariel! It has to be Ariel!
When my sister was a child, she loved the Little Mermaid more than any other movie. I remember the soundtrack playing constantly for a few years! I have one specific memory of her when she was about six years old, she had just finished watching the film and was in the back year singing Part of Your World. All of a sudden, she climbs on top of the picnic table as if it were the rock next to Prince Eric's palace. She hoists herself up at the climax of the song as if she really were Ariel! It was pretty funny. And even funnier....when she fell off the picnic table and crashed onto the grass. Sorry Ash, there's no liquid landing patch below that picnic table!
*Side note.....all of my blogs have to be written like a soap opera. It's just my style. After all...this is As the Spaceship Earth Turns*

When my sister was a child, she loved the Little Mermaid more than any other movie. I remember the soundtrack playing constantly for a few years! I have one specific memory of her when she was about six years old, she had just finished watching the film and was in the back year singing Part of Your World. All of a sudden, she climbs on top of the picnic table as if it were the rock next to Prince Eric's palace. She hoists herself up at the climax of the song as if she really were Ariel! It was pretty funny. And even funnier....when she fell off the picnic table and crashed onto the grass. Sorry Ash, there's no liquid landing patch below that picnic table!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Day 1: Favorite Disney Character!
So I have decided to follow suit and start in on my Disney 30 Day Challenge! i have heard there are many different lists floating around out there, so I am going to follow a few other people and just put in what I feel like it, or what the general consensus is for that specific day! Good? Great! Now let's get started!
The first thing I should covere, is my favorite Disney character. Of course that has to be T I DOUBLE G' ERRRRRR! Tigger and I have a long history. I used to wear Tigger feety pajamas when I was a child. When I met Tigger on my first CP, my friends and I went to Britain to meet him in the Toy Soldier. I swear, I may have been 21 years old, but I felt like a five year old. There was nothing but me and Tigger! Ask my friend Robert, I almost cried I was so happy. Ha ha ha.
I like to think I am a lot like him as well. We both have terribly energetic personalities and we both love our friends unconditionally. Unfortunately, we both get on people's nerves sometimes, but we always make up for it because we are amazing friends when we are needed! We are also terribly handsome! Ha ha ha jk! Stay tuned for more fun facts about Chip!!!1

I like to think I am a lot like him as well. We both have terribly energetic personalities and we both love our friends unconditionally. Unfortunately, we both get on people's nerves sometimes, but we always make up for it because we are amazing friends when we are needed! We are also terribly handsome! Ha ha ha jk! Stay tuned for more fun facts about Chip!!!1
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The British are coming.....and Moving Around the Furniture!
Ok, so it's 1:23pm and I am not in Florida, but I felt like yelling! I am sitting in my financial planning class and learning how to calculate all sorts of fun things i will never use again. But the main purpose of this short blog is to inform the world of my Travel and Tourism professors amazing knowledge. So we are sitting in class learning about.....well I don't know what we were learning about because I forgot already. Anyway, she was talking about Niagara Falls....which for the record is located in Canada...and our professor informs the class that it is located in.....wait for it.....wait for it......bam! BRAZIL!!!! Excuse me, but when did one of the worlds natural wonders moved eight thousand miles to the south? I'm just a little confused and need some clarification on this process. How would one go about moving a waterfall? I mean, that is a hell of a lot of water to reroute to South America...how has this not made international headlines? Where was CSNBC and CSpan with this amazing transaction? What...did some stealthy waterfall specialist ninjas come to northern New York and air lift it out of there in a dark of night? Impressive stealthy ninjas! I applaud you!
Ok so that may have been a little over dramatic, but I just wanted to convey the severity of what my education is providing me with. I am paying a lot of money to go to an excellent school, and yet I am being told the Niagara Falls is located in Brazil. My tuition dollars are certainly hard at work to provide me with the best possible education! Thanks ISU!

Ok so that may have been a little over dramatic, but I just wanted to convey the severity of what my education is providing me with. I am paying a lot of money to go to an excellent school, and yet I am being told the Niagara Falls is located in Brazil. My tuition dollars are certainly hard at work to provide me with the best possible education! Thanks ISU!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Waiting on the Next Best Thing...
So yesterday afternoon at about 12 noon, applications for the Disney College Program Fall/Fall Advantage went live on www.disneycollegeprogram.com. I received a text from someone and instantly bolted to apply. Luckily, being a current cast member as a Campus Representative, I did not have to pass the web-based interview. I was prompted to call for a phone interview immediately after submitting my application...THANK YOU DISNEY!
So I called the phone number I was provided with to schedule a phone interview. I was surprised to learn that I was the 7th, yes the 7th, person to call after applying. With interview time slots available as early as today, January 20th, I just wanted to get it done! So today, I had my phone interview with a college recruiter for the Walt Disney Company at 11:15 am. On the dot, because Disney is very punctual, i received my call. Some of the questions I was asked were as follows:
So I called the phone number I was provided with to schedule a phone interview. I was surprised to learn that I was the 7th, yes the 7th, person to call after applying. With interview time slots available as early as today, January 20th, I just wanted to get it done! So today, I had my phone interview with a college recruiter for the Walt Disney Company at 11:15 am. On the dot, because Disney is very punctual, i received my call. Some of the questions I was asked were as follows:
Why do I want to work for Disney at this point in my life?
What makes me beneficial to Disney?
What are my top 3 roles from my role checklist and why?
How would I deal with working with VIP guests?
If I were dealing with a repetitive task, how would I keep myself
interested and motivated?
What sets me apart form other applicants?
How would you deal with a problem in your roommates?
Having done the interview process and the College Program before, my recruited told me she would skip a few basic questions because they are only necessary for students who have never worked for Disney before. I felt a little more nervous this time than I did for my last interview, I have no idea why. Unfortunately, I was not able to talk about, what I felt, was one of my best moments of the CP. I had the opportunity to network with Bob Igor and Meg Crofton. I mentioned it when she asked if I had dealt with VIPs, but that was it. Overall, I felt the interview went very well! Now we play the waiting game...tune in next time for the exciting conclusion of.."AS THE SPACESHIP EARTH TURNS!!!!!"
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Tag! You're it!!!
Well you all know about when I was dropped in the Manta ray tank at Sea World when I was just a little kid. So we will skip right past that embarrassing moment.When I was about 6 years old in first grade, I was playing on the playground at recess. Keep in mind during this story, the this was in 1994 when play structures were still make of wood. I was about 8 feet up and sat on the ledge where the slide-down pole was. I went to grab the pole and my shorts caught a lose nail on the ledge. Well I went down the pole, but my shorts didn't! I was half way down when I realized what had happened.
But oh wait! It gets better!! I was still half attached to my shorts...so there is a little Chip...hanging three feet off the ground by his half stripped off shorts. The recess monitor helped me out and i was walked the two blocks home by the school secretary. When i came back to school the next day I was taunted by my friends for having Scooby Doo underpants. It wasn't my most shining moment. Ha ha.
So now you know the real truth...I admit it...I WORE SCOOBY DOO UNDERPANTS! I suppose it was only a matter of time before the world found out my secret!
Let's hear it everyone, whats your most embarrassing moment?!
I tag Catherine Brunner and Bryant Michael Stanley
But oh wait! It gets better!! I was still half attached to my shorts...so there is a little Chip...hanging three feet off the ground by his half stripped off shorts. The recess monitor helped me out and i was walked the two blocks home by the school secretary. When i came back to school the next day I was taunted by my friends for having Scooby Doo underpants. It wasn't my most shining moment. Ha ha.
So now you know the real truth...I admit it...I WORE SCOOBY DOO UNDERPANTS! I suppose it was only a matter of time before the world found out my secret!
Let's hear it everyone, whats your most embarrassing moment?!
I tag Catherine Brunner and Bryant Michael Stanley
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Back to the Future!
So when Chip was a lad in grade school, he used to play games. He played hide and seek. He played freeze tag. He played MASH!! In a random effort to try to keep conversations light after an intense Skype chat one evening, Chip proposed that the group do a MASH. So with pen in hand, Chip and Jess plotted out her possible future. The choices for this particular MASH are as follows:
Men: Marriage: Place:
Ryan O. Utah Tree house
Chip Australia Disney
Brett Ireland Ocean
Gerard Butler Back Ally Dumpster
Ring: Dress: Tux:
Diamond Red Orange
Plastic Spider Blue Yellow
Sapphire Puke Green Blue
Ruby White Pink
Live: Job(her): Job(Her):
NYC Vet Pimp
Anaheim Sex Toy Tester Killer Whale Trainer
Reno Make-up Artist Black Jack Dealer
Ames, Iowa Hooker Pilot
Annual Income: Car: Kids:
$0.13 Jeep 4
$250,000 Porsche 52
$888,400 Mustang 4,130.75
$7.45 Box on Wheels 29
Divorce Age: Divorced for: Death Age:
22 Hooker 47
47 Pool Boy 89
26 Supermarket Bag Boy 28
58 Paper Boy 62
Cause of Death
Sinking Ship
Killer Whale
Bullet Wound
Car Crash
So Jessica's life will pan out as follows:
She marries Brett Knapp in a back ally under the ocean. He gives her a Ruby ring. They are married in a puke green wedding dress and an orange tux! Wow how classy and festive! The live in Ames, Iowa (Chip's home town) where she works as a sex toy tester and he works as a killer whale trainer! Together, they have a combined income of $7.45 per year. Which is why they have to drive a box on wheels. The do live in a mansion however. Sex toys must be really lucrative!!! Together, they give birth to 4,130.75 children, little Timmy was both without his lower right quadrant! Unfortunately, at the age of 58, Jess leaves Brett for the paperboy, until she dies from a car crash as the nice old age of 62!
What a life Jess! Hope you are looking forward to all those babies!!!!!
Have a Magica Day
Men: Marriage: Place:
Ryan O. Utah Tree house
Chip Australia Disney
Brett Ireland Ocean
Gerard Butler Back Ally Dumpster
Ring: Dress: Tux:
Diamond Red Orange
Plastic Spider Blue Yellow
Sapphire Puke Green Blue
Ruby White Pink
Live: Job(her): Job(Her):
NYC Vet Pimp
Anaheim Sex Toy Tester Killer Whale Trainer
Reno Make-up Artist Black Jack Dealer
Ames, Iowa Hooker Pilot
Annual Income: Car: Kids:
$0.13 Jeep 4
$250,000 Porsche 52
$888,400 Mustang 4,130.75
$7.45 Box on Wheels 29
Divorce Age: Divorced for: Death Age:
22 Hooker 47
47 Pool Boy 89
26 Supermarket Bag Boy 28
58 Paper Boy 62
Cause of Death
Sinking Ship
Killer Whale
Bullet Wound
Car Crash
So Jessica's life will pan out as follows:
She marries Brett Knapp in a back ally under the ocean. He gives her a Ruby ring. They are married in a puke green wedding dress and an orange tux! Wow how classy and festive! The live in Ames, Iowa (Chip's home town) where she works as a sex toy tester and he works as a killer whale trainer! Together, they have a combined income of $7.45 per year. Which is why they have to drive a box on wheels. The do live in a mansion however. Sex toys must be really lucrative!!! Together, they give birth to 4,130.75 children, little Timmy was both without his lower right quadrant! Unfortunately, at the age of 58, Jess leaves Brett for the paperboy, until she dies from a car crash as the nice old age of 62!
What a life Jess! Hope you are looking forward to all those babies!!!!!
Have a Magica Day
Monday, January 3, 2011
....and a partridge in a pear tree!
So before the commercial break, we were looking into how Chip's older sister is a extraordinarily messy drunk. Well here's what you've missed since then! After I got her all tucked in with buck bed-side, I went home to find my father wondering why I was home. I explained the situation and went to bed. And who's number should appear on my phone at 5 am?! My lovely sister! She decided to go see a friend, so she walked her drunken self across the state line to Bellows Falls Vermont. (She lives legit, a 40 second walk to the border for those of you who were wondering.) She walk walking home and proceeded to tell me how much she loves me and how good I smelled and how she misses me already...typical Ashley. Ha ha.
So once upon a time, there was a handsome prince named Steven. One day he met an equally handsome...ha ha...prince named Chip. For most of the summer months, they were very much in love; spending as much time together as possible. Unfortunately, as we learned from Grease when we were small children, summer love must end eventually. Chip returned to his kingdom of Iowa while prince Steven ventured to a new and excited land called...college in Boston Mass. As much as they tried to stay in touch and remain dedicated to one another, their relationship soon fizzled to a smoldering ash. Now, deep down, they both still feel the same and who was to know until once Christmas vacation when Chip would return to the kingdom of New Hampshire only to find prince Steven home at the same time...
So he calls me and how surprised was I to see his number come up on my cell?! So Steven and I met up at his parents place, who were equally excited to see me. We shared out college and life experiences over a glass of wine until his parents retired to be and we put in a film. It was like we had never separated. With his head resting in my lap, and his smile imprinted on his face for hours, we watched the film and snuggled. For those of you who think you know what is coming next, how dare you!!! Prince Steven is way to classy for that!!! With a few goodnight kisses, I went home. The third installment should be on shelves everywhere sometime in the next five years!

So, thanks to mother nature, my family's Christmas was cancelled until the day before I was to fly home. She can be such a you-know-what sometimes. She sent a Nor-Easter to New England which caused all of my cousins and my sister to be stranded. Consider this, New Hampshire is soo spread out with hills and rivers that it takes 40 minutes to go anywhere. Interestingly enough, people seem to think this about Iowa all the time, WRONG-O!!! I will say, however, my grandmother finally understands me. Last year, someone told her I like hats and she bought me a winter hat and scarf combo from the Olympics..."...umm...thanks gram....i love it?" This year, she bought me a wonderful bottle of cologne by Patrick McDreamy Dempsey. So knows me!! She also bought me the latest CD from Glee. I was so surprised.
So let's skip ahead to the most interesting part of the next chapter. I checked in at Logan International in Boston only to find that AirTran hates me. They made my trip much harder than it should have been. Because my second flight was with a different airline, they informed me "Oh, you have to claim your luggage in Milwaukee and then re-check in with your next airline." WTF AirTran!!! Luckily Frontier is a wonderful airline that takes care of this little ones like me who's fathers book their flights without researching these things. So it all worked out because my guardian angle, who I found...works for Frontier, knew all about this type of situation and made life sooo much easier! And a few hours later, I was home in the kingdom of Iowa.
*pick up that remote and hit fast forward...we are skipping ahead again....keep pace people!!*
I went back to work and it was like id never left. I don't mean to sound cocky but to look of utter relief by the overnight supervisor when I walked through the door on New Years Eve was enough to let me know I was missed. Unfortunately New Years Eve was a terribly slow night so I didn't do so well in the tips department, it was still good to be back to work. Not having worked for two weeks was so strange. A few more shits at the Ames, Iowa Perkins and you have caught yourself up with what you've missed in Chip's life. Stay tuned next week for a hard hitting interview with Christiane Amanpour and a look at Nicholas Spark's new book!
So he calls me and how surprised was I to see his number come up on my cell?! So Steven and I met up at his parents place, who were equally excited to see me. We shared out college and life experiences over a glass of wine until his parents retired to be and we put in a film. It was like we had never separated. With his head resting in my lap, and his smile imprinted on his face for hours, we watched the film and snuggled. For those of you who think you know what is coming next, how dare you!!! Prince Steven is way to classy for that!!! With a few goodnight kisses, I went home. The third installment should be on shelves everywhere sometime in the next five years!
For those of you who don't know what Boston Gardens is, it is where Chip watched Disney on Ice as a child! |
*pick up that remote and hit fast forward...we are skipping ahead again....keep pace people!!*
I went back to work and it was like id never left. I don't mean to sound cocky but to look of utter relief by the overnight supervisor when I walked through the door on New Years Eve was enough to let me know I was missed. Unfortunately New Years Eve was a terribly slow night so I didn't do so well in the tips department, it was still good to be back to work. Not having worked for two weeks was so strange. A few more shits at the Ames, Iowa Perkins and you have caught yourself up with what you've missed in Chip's life. Stay tuned next week for a hard hitting interview with Christiane Amanpour and a look at Nicholas Spark's new book!
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